Travel quick tip – traveling with a newborn

  My son’s teacher asked me the other day how I was going after the birth of our third child.  My answer was “Have you seen the tv show the Walking Dead?  Well it’s a bit like that at our house right now”.  I was referring to the zombiesque twilight that new mums dwell in…

The top tips for flying with a baby.

When I became a mum it didn’t occur to me to stop traveling.  We took our eldest son on his first plane journey when he was aged 7 weeks to meet my beloved grandmother.  We journeyed off on a round the world trip when he was aged 3 months.   Trial and error during our…

Guest Blogger: Backpacking in Malaysia with children

Although the idea of backpacking with children has much that appeals, I have never had the courage to do so.  My friend Heather is braver than I and has graciously agreed to share her experiences.   Backpacking in Malaysia with children Backpacking: it worked when we were young and fancy-free. Would it work with a…