Winner of the Date Night competition, and more…

This blog recently posted a competition that offered a “Date Night” at Paradise Palms Resort and Country Club.  The response to the competition was phenomenal.  This is largely due to the fact that the prize is an awesome one – dinner for two with sparkling wine at Fifty Nine Restaurant and Bar, and babysitting for two children.  However the enthusiastic response also speaks loudly to an unfulfilled need that parents have to spend quality, one on one time with their partners without their children.  Entrants to the competition were asked to share why they would like a date night.  Before I go any further, let me announce that the winner of the competition is Kaylene.  If you read her entry, among the comments to the original Date Night competition post it is clear why she is the winner.  The thing is, reading the entries, I wanted to give the prize to EVERYONE that entered.  Most parents, at some time or another do it tough.  Some parents do it tougher than others.   For those, that, like us  live away from family supports raising children can sometimes feel more like drowning than soaring.  Our family is in the privileged position to be able to afford occasional babysitting that gives my husband and I a little breathing space, (although believe me it is a rarity). Reading the entries to the competition it is clear that other families, particularly those on one income find it difficult to justify the expense of any babysitting at all.

The thing is, spending time together as a couple is important and necessary for both our relationships and our identity as individuals.  It is too easy to become consumed by our role as mother or father particularly if we are the primary caregivers.

I understand that the reasons parents find it difficult to find time with their partner sans kids are complex.  They may include separation anxiety on behalf of the child, lack of family support, money pressures and more.  I am however a woman that likes to be able to offer practical solutions.  In this instance I am looking to you to offer practical solutions to each other.  My own suggestions on how couples can facilitate couple time are meagre.  They include using some annual leave hours to take time off work together, while children are in their regular childcare.  What I am hoping is readers of this blog that do manage some couple time will share what works for them.  It is my hope that this page might become a hub for others seeking ideas; whether general or location specific.  For example, if you do know a restaurant that, like Fifty Nine Restaurant and Bar at Paradise Palms Resort and Country Club offers reasonably priced, onsite babysitting, share it here.  If you belong to a community group or church that supports parents to have some time together by providing baby-sitting, share it here.  If you have an arrangement with another family that involves babysitting each other’s children, share it here.  It is up to you now, I look forward to reading your comments.


© Copyright 2012 Danielle, All rights Reserved. Written For: Bubs on the Move

2 thoughts on “Winner of the Date Night competition, and more…

  1. WOW! THANKYOU! I hope all the other very deserving mummies and daddies get some much needed and deserved alone time soon too! Now my thoughts are with the babysitting staff of Paradise Palms, they will be earning their money next date night with my boys :0)
    Thanks again!

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