Five family travel bloggers you should be reading

At the moment my days are punctuated by grabs of time.  Grab a little sleep between night wakenings, grab a caffeinated beverage to keep me going during the day, if I am lucky I get to grab a little blog reading.  Grabs of blog reading aren’t easy to come by in between the school runs, putting baby to bed for naps and what often seems like infinite periods of patting baby off to sleep.  Oh, and during the 45 minute sleep cycles when baby is asleep I try really, really hard to give three year old Bub 2 some quality mum time.  So I don’t waste many of my precious blog reading grab seconds on commenting on blogs. There are a handful of family travel blogs though that I want to take more than a grab of time to thank for their efforts.  They are written by women who, like me are not professional travelers.  Some of them are in the workforce, others are  looking after their kids full time.  They all love traveling with their own kids and take the time to share their experiences on their own travel blogs.  Oh, and they are all local explorers – sharing their expertise about their home turf with readers.

Now as any blogger will tell you, blogging can be a lonely business.  Sometimes we feel as if we are writing to the wind.  Every now and again their are blogging awards, and usually when I find out who has won the best family travel blogging awards I am disappointed.  No, not because I didn’t win, but because the blogs I like don’t get a mention (the exception is Lisa Goodmurphy at Gone with the Family who recently came runner up in the USA Today travel blogging awards).  Usually the winners are professional travelers and the blogs very much a business.  So today, this is my shout out to the lovely ladies that write the family travel blogs I read.  I have no award for you ladies, and I will continue to be hopeless at commenting, but you are heard.

In no particular order these are five of my favourites that I read (and you should too).

Bronwyn Joy at Journeys of the Fabulist.

Bronwyn Joy and her kids

Bronwyn Joy and her kids

Bronwyn is the kind of blogger than gives me a complex – she is funny, articulate and witty.  As an Aussie ex-pat living in Singapore she shares her insights on traveling with her own young kids and life in Singapore.  On her about page she tells us that her most popular post is about children and squat toilets.  Bronwyn goes beyond the regular travel with kids tips to explore issues such as behaviour and etiquette in her, as usual insightful and quirky manner.




Rene Young at Together We Roam

Rene and her brood from Together We Roam

Mum of two Rene lives in Brisbane.  Rene’s destination posts are amazing – full of all the detail I want about a place, and detail that I didn’t know I needed but that I really do.  For an example of her amazingly detailed posts check out this one on Bali.   She is extensively traveled, captures places beautifully on camera and writes insightful reviews of travel products.




Beth Henry at Cloudsurfing Kids

Beth Henry from Cloud Surfing Kids and her family

Beth Henry from Cloud Surfing Kids and her family

Beth is a mum to two young kids as well as being a busy US flight attendant.  Her eldest child took her first flight at age 6 weeks and had elite frequent flier status by the time she was 20 months old. Both her work and her family life has taught her all about flying with kids.  If you are looking for tips or inspiration about flying with kids her blog is a go-to.





Michele at Malaysian Meanders

Michele's kids

Michele’s kids

Michelle was a “typical, American, stay-at-home mom” (her words) until her husband received a job in Penang Malaysia.  Michele is back in Texas now but her thoughtful blog is full of insights about Malaysia, and their travels in the region while they lived there.  She is a whiz behind the lens and captures life as she sees it such as this collection of wedding pictures from all over.




Mary Solio at The World is a Book

Mary Solio and family

Mary Solio and family

Mary is a working mum who was born in the Phillipines and grew up on the island of Guam.  If, like many others you don’t know much about Guam you should read her post about her childhood home here. She is an amazing traveller with her two kids – and usually on a budget.  By the looks of her blog Mary never stops taking photos because she takes her readers transiently to all the destinations she visits with her beautiful shots.  Her Five Free Family Fun Series tells readers where to find the free activities with kids around the world.


That my friends is it.  Except it isn’t.  I am looking for more grab of time travel inspiration so I would like you to tell me who you think I should be reading (as well as these ladies and the other blogs that I lurk on)

© Copyright 2014 Danielle, All rights Reserved. Written For: Bubs on the Move

20 thoughts on “Five family travel bloggers you should be reading

  1. Hi Danielle, I am honoured at the mention, and humbled you would spend that precious grab of time on my rubbish blog. Thank you.

    I absolutely hear you about writing to the wind. This is me most of the time.

    There’s one mama I’m not familiar with so thanks introducing me to Cloudsurfing kids. I shall have a little stalk as I already stalk Bronwyn and Mary.

    You’ve brought back memories of the patting to sleep zzzzzzzzz.


    • Hi Rene – happy to include you. Like I said, I get a little frustrated with seeing the same blogs applauded all the time and wanted to give a little air time to those that I like. Keep writing to the wind – you never know where those words will blow.

  2. I definitely understand the grabs of time thing, and the not-commenting. I often feel I should comment more but there are only so many hours!

    But this is a great list (and not just because I’m on it 🙂 ). I can vouch for each of the blogs you’ve chosen and I’m very happy to see some of my favourites listed.

    There are definitely a lot of overlooked blogs out there whose authors spend a lot more time “researching” (which in parenting blogs often means hanging out with their kids) rather than marketing themselves. These contain gems of wisdom more people should read. Your blog is on that list, of course!

    I list my favourites all the time and I’m going to get into trouble if I try to narrow it down… but if you’re really going the family travel angle (rather than expat/activities with kids/etc) then I might have to pick Thrifty Travel Mama. From the US, currently in Germany (soon moving on). Her posts are always well-researched and well-presented and just in my style.

    • Bronwyn you are one of the only regular commenters on my blog so you are doing a great job encouraging others. I haven’t read Thrifty Travel Muma but will have to check her out.

  3. Thank you so much for including me with these awesome traveling moms who I have interacted with in one way or another virtually. You are so right about blogging being lonely sometimes. Thank you for reading and I hope I’ve helped or inspired some family in their travels. You’ve made my week and month! Don’t worry, I hear you too so please keep sharing your travel stories about your bubs 🙂 Wishing you and your family safe travels.

    • My pleasure to include you Mary. That post you wrote about Guam was awesome. I’m not sure how you manage to fit in work and traveling so much but keep doing so – you are my inspiration.

  4. Pingback: Five family travel bloggers you should be reading | The Talking Sloth - Oceania

  5. Hi,

    I came across your blog and this list on Twitter. It was great stumbling on to you and now I have to check all the ones you have mentioned. I will have to neglect my kids for a while :). I love reading family travel blogs as an inspiration as well as tips to make my own blog better. Keep up with the good work ladies. I have followed you each on Twitter to keep up to date 🙂

  6. You’ve reminded me of my bragging rights 🙂

    I’m thinking of making a button to go in my sidebar here, using the images from each blogger (I have a few blog roll type things there). Do you think anyone would mind if I used the images? I should ask, shouldn’t I?

  7. What rock have I been under? I am ashamed to say I don’t know any of these blogs looks like I have some reading to do! In my defence we have been kinda hanging out in the camping/travellling Oz crowd until now!! Really looking forward to getting to know these blogs and yours too!! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Perhaps you will need to do a camping/traveling Oz roundup for us. I am only just beginning to realise how many travel blogs there are out there. Love these 5 though and hope you enjoy reading them too.

  8. Pingback: Full time family travel. Why it’s not for us. | Bubs on the Move

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